Slides – “The Victim is Always Everyone That’s on the Bottom, The Working Class, The Physically and Mentally Ill”.



Below is a video of the concluding slide from the Medicine, Health and Illness Stream Plenary for the BSA’s Annual Conference. Alongside Drs Joanne Brown and Jenny McNeill, we explored disabled claimants’ lived experience of punitive welfare, drawing on data from the Welfare Conditionality project.

If you were a BSA conference attendee but were unable to attend the session you can still view the presentation on the conference website for the next 30 days.

Full copy of the slides:

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Further details about my co-presenters:

Dr Joanne Brown completed her doctoral research at the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow. Her research explored disabled peoples lived experience of welfare conditionality, drawing on interviews with disabled welfare claimants and key informants. She currently works as a Research Manager for Groundswell, a charity which exists to enable people experiencing homelessness to take more control of their lives, have a greater influence on services and have a full role in our community.

Dr Jenny McNeill is a Research Associate at the University of Sheffield and is currently working in the Management School on the Enabling Social Action Programme, funded by DCMS and the Mobilising Volunteers Effectively (MoVE) project funded by ESRC. She previously worked in the Urban Studies and Planning department at the University of Sheffield and for the Universityof York on the Welfare Conditionality project, funded by ESRC. Prior to this she studied at Nottingham Trent University and completed her PhD exploring the role of employability in homeless people’s resettlement.

Thanks as well to Dr Sasha Scambler and Prof Flis Henwood for inviting us to present at the stream.


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