Slides – “The Victim is Always Everyone That’s on the Bottom, The Working Class, The Physically and Mentally Ill”.

Below is a video of the concluding slide from the Medicine, Health and Illness Stream Plenary for the BSA’s Annual Conference. Alongside Drs Joanne Brown and Jenny McNeill, we explored disabled claimants’ lived experience of punitive welfare, drawing on data from the Welfare Conditionality project. If you were a BSA conference attendee but were unable to attend the session you can still view the presentation on the conference website for …

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Upcoming plenary – “The Victim is Always Everyone That’s on the Bottom, The Working Class, The Physically and Mentally Ill”.

Alongside Drs Joanne Brown and Jenny McNeill, I am presenting at the Medicine, Health and Illness Stream Plenary for the BSA’s Annual Conference. Our presentation will explore disabled claimants’ lived experience of punitive welfare conditionality, drawing on data from the Welfare Conditionality Project, a Health Foundation study on welfare conditionality and mental health, and Jo’s PhD research on welfare conditionality and disability. The BSA’s annual conference is online this year, …

Read moreUpcoming plenary – “The Victim is Always Everyone That’s on the Bottom, The Working Class, The Physically and Mentally Ill”.

Slides – Mental health and punitive welfare conditionality

Here are my slides from last week’s Urban Studies’ Monday Workshop (1st June 2020). I presented work in progress on a journal article, drawing on data from the Welfare Conditionality project to explore how punitive welfare conditionality is caustic to mental wellbeing. Abstract: This workshop brings together the experiences of 144 people with mental health problems from the Welfare Conditionality project and the literature on punitive welfare, social suffering, and …

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Upcoming workshop – Mental health and punitive welfare conditionality

Tomorrow, Monday 1st June, at 1pm I’ll be presenting work in progress on a journal article, drawing on data from the Welfare Conditionality project to explore how punitive welfare conditionality is caustic to mental wellbeing. The presentation is part of the Urban Studies’ Monday Workshops at the University of Glasgow. Abstract: This workshop brings together the experiences of 144 people with mental health problems from the Welfare Conditionality project and …

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The Hypomanic-Depressive – This Weird Depression

After 19 years with near persistent mental illness, last month I was diagnosed as having bipolar II. A diagnosis the more I learn about the more I am discovering so many difficulties I’ve faced over the years are associated with it. The most gut-wrenching of which is the long time between illness onset and receiving a correct diagnosis. On average, it takes 10 years for someone to receive a bipolar …

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