Upcoming workshop presentation – ‘Mental Welfare’

On Monday 25th March 2019, I will be presenting some initial findings from the ‘Welfare, Employment, and Mental Health’ research project. The presentation is part of the Urban Studies’ Monday Workshops at the University of Glasgow. Abstract: Long seen as the ‘Cinderella’ service of the NHS, mental health has received renewed policy focus in recent years. Both the UK and Scottish Governments have committed to achieving ‘parity of esteem’ between …

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Upcoming workshop presentation – ‘XVivo: The case for an open source QDAS’

I will be doing a presentation on the need for qualitative researchers to embrace open source software and my work on Pythia as part of the Urban Studies’ Monday workshops at the University of Glasgow on 26th November. Abstract: Qualitative data analysis software (QDAS) has the potential to revolutionise both the scale of qualitative research and the array of possible analysis techniques. Yet currently available software still imposes unnecessary limits that …

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Upcoming conference presentation: ‘The Universal Acceptance of Conditionality?’

I will be presenting next month at the Welfare Conditionality: Principles, Practices and Perspectives conference, 26-28 June 2018, University of York. Abstract: Critics and campaigners against conditionality for welfare benefits have highlighted the severe harms resulting from sanctions and the stigmatisation of benefit claimants. In response, proponents of conditionality have oft replied with the refrain that “there has always been conditionality in the system” and point to high levels of …

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Welfare Conditionality final research findings

The final findings papers for the Welfare Conditionality project, that I was a Researcher and NVivo Lead on, have been published today. As covered in The Guardian, Benefit sanctions [were] found to be ineffective and damaging. From the Guardian article: Benefit sanctions are ineffective at getting jobless people into work and are more likely to reduce those affected to poverty, ill-health or even survival crime, the UK’s most extensive study …

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